Quality Care at Home

Complex Care Service

Any unwelcome change in your physical or (in the case of dementia)
mental abilities can have a profoundly disturbing effect on all concerned.
Especially if the condition is advanced or declining.

We will develop a detailed person-centred care plan for you which will identify all of your requirements, enabling us to implement a highly effective care service. We regularly review this document with you to ensure that we continuously adapt our care service to meet your changing needs and preferences.

Our service is outcome based, supporting you to live as independently as possible and empowering you to have choice and control over your care. We adopt a partnership approach, working closely with you and your family and other healthcare professionals involved in your care to ensure that a consistent approach is employed.

Our high quality care service can be a cost-effective alternative to nursing or residential home admission. Once we have carried out an assessment of your care requirements, we will provide you with a no obligation estimated cost for your proposed care package.

Our complex care service is most suited to individuals who:

  • Have been discharged from hospital and have significant nursing and clinical care needs that need to be continually monitored.
  • Are in hospital wards such as intensive care or high dependency units and are due to return home, faced with a long-term recovery process.
  • Suffer from degenerative conditions and have on-going care needs.
  • Have physical or learning disabilities and require long-term support in the home.
  • Have complex care needs and are dependent on life sustaining technology.


To find out if this service is suitable to you, please contact a member of our Care Team on 01582 380158 who will be able to discuss your specific requirements with you.